For help or if you have questions or problems, please contact the Solution Center, 192 Parks Library, or call IT Services at 294–4000.
About Fetch
Fetch is a Macintosh program for transferring files over networks, such as the Internet, using the File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) or SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Fetch can be used to:
Publish a website at a web hosting provider.
Publish images for eBay auction listings.
Transfer documents to a printing company or service bureau.
Submit advertisements to newspapers and magazines.
Move files between your Macintosh and Macintosh, UNIX, Windows, NetWare, or other sorts of computers, as well as specialized equipment including medical imaging machines, image editing systems, and photo processing equipment.
System Requirements
Fetch requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
Installing Fetch
Fetch is one of Iowa State’s Site-Licensed software packages.
If you are faculty, staff or a student at Iowa State, you can install
Fetch from smb://
You will need your Iowa State Net-Id and password to install this software from the Iowa State University Software Server.
From the Install Folder:
Read the Fetch-Site-License file.
Continue only if you agree to the terms and conditions of this license. Installing Fetch constitutes
acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Double-click on the fetch–0575.dmg file to mount the Fetch 5.7.5 disk-image.
From the Fetch 5.7.5 disk-image file:
Drag the Fetch application to the Applications folder.
Drag the com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch.License.plist file to the system-wide Preferences folder.